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Our meetings are generally held on the fourth Sunday of each month at 2.00pm at Chelsfield Community Centre, Windsor Drive, Chelsfield, Nr Orpington Kent BR6 6HD. We sometimes move our meeting date to avoid our Open Show, Christmas and sometimes if it coincides with another club activity. Details of our meeting dates can be found below.

Our programme of events cover all aspects of the care and welfare of koi and include visits by guest speakers with a specialist knowledge of one or more aspects of the hobby. Topics include pond building and filtration, precautions and the treatment of parasites and other ailments, purchasing new koi and what to look for, also breeding and raising small koi, to name but a few.

Our club was founded in 1981 and has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in all aspects of the hobby.

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Mar 23rd Meeting at Chelsfield Hall – Our speaker will be Adam Byer of Adam Byer Koi Farm.
Apr 27th Annual General Meeting at Chelsfield Hall, when we will elect our new committee and discuss what we want to achieve in the year ahead.